Sunday, April 25, 2010

This few days really sucks for me~
Totally my life is boring like hell even hell is more interesting i think@.@
My sem break just waste like this T.T
nw just can wait 5th of May go Langkawi ~
Hope this time can success la~ zzz

Everyone thought i really addicted to smoke~
Oh shit~
I really din !! LOL !
It's just like you found something can spend ur time when u are bored and u keep repeat it daily~
It really nt addicted man~LOL!!
If i call u half year dun '' tfk '' u can anot?? hahaha!!
Just same case nia~

Although smoke really harm our body and also surrounding but sometimes really found it is quite nice at least can make u feel like dizzy@.@
I like that kind of feel~muahahah!
Smoke with frens smtimes quite nice too~~hoho xD

Just my 2 cents~dun shoot me T.T

This dog getting fatter n fatter=.= wtf!!